often made it a challenge and goal of mine to "walk my weight off". (I'm
appx. 275 lbs.. who knows how many kg's this is?.. either way you
measure it, it's way too much!)
I've started walking before, only to let it lapse.. the couch and
rocking chair is more alluring at times. This spring, I've jumped on
the bandwagon once again. I've registered at : www.mapmywalk.com and
started trying to walk daily, or at least 3 or 4 times a week. I've
been averaging anywhere from 2-6 miles on my walks. The
six-miler two weekends ago nearly "killed" me. The "Map My Walk" site
allows you to map out a route, and this one I've nicknamed "WEAR ME
OUT", so that that warning will be there, should I one day attempt to
hike that trail again. (see below) As you can tell by the bright red trail markings, this route took me practically all over my town.
My "WEAR ME OUT" Walking Route: 6.87 miles! |
remember that day, I just set out walking, and did not have a definite
route in mind, but had the entire afternoon to walk, and nothing else
planned. So I just started walking. Sounds like or reminds me of Forrest Gump.
For no real reason. I just started walking. HA HA! Boy, was I in for
a "treat". I found myself at the far apex of my walk, and still very
far from home. I got to a place between Mahaley Avenue & Grove
Street called Forest Hill Park, it's an expansive (big!), green, grassy
area that has walking paths. It's part of what's called "The Greenway"
here. As I entered, I encountered a couple on a park bench, and
jokingly asked them, "What do you do when you're at the END of your
walk, and you're still a LONG WAY from home?" They just laughed. I was
beginning to get tired myself.
By the time I cleared this park, I headed to Hurley & City
Park, two adjacent areas nearby. Then I made my way to Fulton Street,
and took the long, straight path down to my home street, which is right
before S. Main Street. Then, as I turned onto my street, I counted the
blocks until reaching my house, upon which I dragged myself up onto the
porch, and exhausted, fell headlong into the rocking chair. A family
member brought me a cold glass of a mix of lemonade and ginger ale, and I
sipped slowly, barely having enough energy to enjoy the drink.

I don't know how I'd get by on my walks if it were not for my walking partners, my little buddies "Pandora" & "Spotify". A friend today called them my "vicious dogs"! Yeah,
they "bark" pretty loud through those headphones of mine. But
seriously, I so enjoy clicking on different favorite artists and
listening to their music while I'm walking along the streets, getting my
daily exercise. It makes it so much more enjoyable. I've already done
so, but thanks to my pastor, Chris, who reminded me about PANDORA & then
another friend, who told me that they were using SPOTIFY.. I got
"turned on" and "tuned in" to these great music resources.
So I've been listening on my daily walking journeys to artists like these and others :
I'll be posting more about my walks and my newfound musical friends soon, so keep posted !
Thanks a lot for checking my blog out !