Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New Health & Fitness Opportunities

   For some time, I've been looking and searching for a group with which to go walking.  I've found some friends, but each time I find someone, they go with a program of walking consistently every week, or whatever schedule, and then drop off after a few times.  It's been extremely discouraging and frustrating for me, as I've been committed each time to following through with it.

  I was surprised and glad to find a new group starting up called the "Outdoor Adventure Club" at the Rufty-Holmes Senior Center.  I'm a young senior in my fifties.  This group is going to dedicate itself to getting outside and having some fun, walking and hiking.  I am thrilled to become a part of this group.  

   We are starting with a lunch hike in April in a local park.  Then in May, we are planning to go for an evening hike at Boone's Cave, a location about thirty minutes from home. Then we will be planning other trips and excursions for the rest of spring and summer.


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